Dr. Stevens on the 'Net |
Curriculum Vitae (PDF) |
Absolutely inspirational! Your presentation at our Region 10 Visual and Performing Arts Forum, was so well received by our participants and provided the much needed connection to brain research and how the arts are truly our first language for understanding and making meaning in the world. Your contagious enthusiasm for the arts and the research you present supported all of us in our commitment to provide quality arts education for all students in California. It was evident from conversations and our evaluations that your presentation was greatly appreciated by everyone.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Academic Training
This is Dr. Stevens' developmental approach to curriculum planning and pedagogy for teachers pre-K – 12th grade based upon current research about brain development, emotional regulation and learning. All services are based on this approach:
Corporate Training Dr. Stevens also offers trainings for corporations and individuals focusing on creative thinking skills in the following areas: Decision-making; conflict resolution; stress management; picking people (hiring, firing, lateral moves, promotions); team-building and teamwork skills; leadership; creative imagination re: business direction, products, innovation and communication skills. These can be in-house or in an intensive retreat format.
...................... Following is a complimentary letter received recently from Karol Gates, Secretary, Executive Board, SEADAE, Colorado, Arts Content Specialist. Thank you, Karol...
April 9, 2012 Dr. Victoria Stevens,
The emphasis on 21st century skills throughout the nation has certainly provided a national platform for the importance of creativity in education. Having a clear understanding of what creativity is and how to move into the practice of embedding creativity into teaching and learning is critical to state planning. The information you provided was timely, informative and solidifies the need to explicitly define and train educators on how to build creative opportunities in the classroom. Your clarification regarding creativity as a process that can and should be taught and how the elements of creativity are manifested in practice through processes such as metacognition, play, creative thinking, and imagination illustrated what creativity looks like in a classroom setting. Emphasizing how creativity emerges in a classroom setting and what implications can occur in practice through pedagogy and assessment were important clarifications. This information will provide state arts directors a highly needed "toolkit" to use as a reference for standards writing, implementation and assessment. We are truly fortunate to have partners of your caliber willing to share their time and talents with our organization. In training our network of state directors, the ultimate goal is to improve teaching and learning in each and every state in the nation. Your contribution is vital and we could not serve our states without the assistance of highly informed professionals like you! Thank you again for your service and we hope to continue this valuable dialogue in the future!